Patients that need plasma therapy are often those who have suffered from trauma, burns, or shock. Individuals suffering from severe liver illness as well as numerous clotting factor deficits may also need plasma transfusions.
There’s no doubt that blood plasma transfusions have saved countless lives—it is even worth noting that pharmaceutical companies utilize plasma to create therapies for diseases like immunological deficiencies and bleeding disorders. Therefore, donating plasma is an excellent way to potentially save a life and make a difference in healthcare.
Who Is Eligible to Make a Plasma Donation?
Plasma donors must be at least 18 years old and weigh at least 110 pounds to be considered. Every individual must pass two separate medical examinations: a screening for medical history and a test for transmissible viruses, which the same person must pass. However, before donating plasma, make sure you drink plenty of water or juice to keep yourself hydrated. You also need to tell the medical staff if you have recently had surgery, piercings, or tattoos; if you are taking any medications or pregnant.
Only once you have passed the two health exams and received negative test results can you be granted the status of Qualified Donor, and only then may you donate. Most donation facilities are specifically looking for individuals who have type AB blood. This is essential to remember since their plasma is universal and may be donated to anybody who needs it. Furthermore, type AB plasma transfusions may be administered quickly, without the need to waste valuable time determining if the patient’s blood type is compatible with the transfusion. There is a high demand for plasma, and donation centers are actively seeking donors dedicated to the cause.
The Importance of Plasma Donation in Health Care
Unfortunately, only a relatively tiny percentage of individuals who would be excellent candidates for plasma donation choose to donate their blood. Plasma donation may prove to be life-saving for the individual who needs it. The difference between source and recovered plasma is that source plasma is obtained from healthy, voluntary donors via plasmapheresis. On the other hand, recovered plasma is acquired through whole blood donation, after which the plasma is separated from the other blood components.
Both source plasma and recovered plasma are utilized to research and develop therapies. They are used for individuals suffering from uncommon, chronic illnesses and disorders such as primary immunodeficiency, hemophilia, and hereditary lung disease. They are also essential in developing treatments for trauma, burns, and shock, among other things. Whole blood donations are often utilized in hospitals on a local level for transfusions required during surgery or other medical treatment.
How Frequently Can I Make a Plasma Donation?
The American Red Cross specifies that you may give plasma once every 28 days, or about 13 times per year if you want to do so. A large number of private plasma donation businesses, on the other hand, enable you to give plasma more often which is neither healthy nor safe. These organizations often function on a pay-per-donation basis, with contributors receiving cash rewards for their contributions.
However, donating plasma on an excessively regular basis may be hazardous to your health and detrimental to the quality of the plasma donated. Plasma from individuals who donated more often and in more significant quantities was significantly lower total protein, albumin, and other blood indicators.
Final Thoughts
Donating plasma at one of the many registered and accredited donor facilities is an excellent option if you are a good candidate. Even though donating plasma requires a significant time commitment, you should consider the individuals who are in urgent need of it and whom you will be able to assist due to your kind gesture.
If you’re searching for the nearest plasma donation center, go no further than thplasma. We are a community-driven plasma donation business that strives to provide excellent care to donors, workers, and medical patients in need. We aim to create a better society by using creative and cutting-edge approaches. Contact us now to become a donor!